Research Data Repository

There are many ways to publish and share research data, but some of the most common are listed below:

1. Deposit to Research Data Repository

Research data can be hosted in different types of research repositories, depending on the requirements of the research funder, the journal to which it is to be submitted, or the policies of the organization.

Generalist List

Subject Repositories

National Repositories

Union Catalog

How to choose a suitable research database?

  • Type of data: You can select the appropriate repository based on the type of data.
  • Funder requirements: You can publish your research to a compliant repository according to the sponsor's requirements.
  • Publisher requirements: You can publish your research to the appropriate repository recommended by the publisher, according to the publisher's requirements.
  • TRUST Principles: You can select a repository based on its transparency, accountability, user focus, sustainability, and technology focus.
  • Security considerations: Depending on the sensitivity of the data, you may choose a repository with a tiered access system or a higher level of information security.
  • Discipline: You can choose the appropriate repository according to the quality of your own discipline.

2. Data Journal / Paper

To meet the demand for publishing and sharing research data, there are new forms of data-oriented publications - data journals and data papers or data articles, such as Scientific Data and Biodiversity Data Journal.

3. Contact with Authors

In addition to the two methods mentioned above, some journals also tolerate researchers who choose to publish and share their research data by "contacting the authors". However, this is not a good practice for sharing research data.

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