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作者 (1-12 之 40)
Wayne State University. Computer Science
1 3D Face Reconstruction and Emotion Analytics with Part-based Morphable Models Jin, Hai 2018 Electronic Resources
2 3D Surface Registration Using Geometric Spectrum of Shapes Hamidian, Hajar 2019 Electronic Resources
3 Access control models for XML data and provenance metadata in scientific workflows [electronic resou Chang, Seunghan Electronic Resources
4 Analyzing environmental change and prehistoric hunter behavior through a 3D time-lapsed model with l Stanley, Samuel Dustin Electronic Resources
5 Automated refinement of hierarchical object graphs Khalaj, Mohammad Ebrahim 2017 Electronic Resources
6 Bioflow: A web-based declarative workflow language for life sciences [electronic resource] El-Hajj-Diab, Bilal Electronic Resources
7 Boosting algorithms for mining biomedical and biological data [electronic resource] Krishnaraj, Yazhene Electronic Resources
8 Combinatorial auction-based virtual machine provisioning and allocation in clouds Zaman, Sharrukh Electronic Resources
9 Data clustering and visualization through matrix factorization [electronic resource] Chen, Yanhua Electronic Resources
10 The data mining and visualization of decision rules for site selection and utilization in an archaic Franzel, Patrick Electronic Resources
11 Extracting trends in high-dimensional datasets [electronic resource] Pokharkar, Snehal Electronic Resources
12 Hours: Harmonic and universal resource sharing in distributed environments [electronic resource] Liang, Zhengqiang Electronic Resources
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