Learning retention : 譚, 華德,   
      虛擬實境應用於臺灣學生進行泰語語序學習之成效 = Research of the effects of using virtual reality on Th 總館  2021
Learning Role of counselling Related to teacher-student relationships : Curran, Charles Arthur   
      Counseling, learning : a whole-person model for education / Charles A. Curran 總館  1972
Learning satisfaction  
      中等學校音樂師資職前教育課程實施現況之調查 : 師資生學習滿意度與授課教師之建議 = A survey of the imple 總館  2024
      同步視訊應用於大班教學對學生學習投入相關影響因素之研究 = A research on the related factors about lear 總館  2021
      基北區技術型高中餐飲管理科學生學習滿意度對生涯意向之影響研究 = A study of influencing students' learn 總館  2023
      大學生學習動機之研究 : 以國際禮儀, 美姿美儀、形象塑造兩課程為例 = A study of college students' learni 總館  2023
6 其他項目  
Learning scaffolds  
      學習鷹架與提示策略對不同先備知識國中生學習數學畢氏定理學習成效、動機及態度之影響 = Effects of scaffol 總館  2024
      置入運算思維於學習鷹架中對高中程式寫作課程中之自我效能與學習成效之影響 = The influences of inserting 總館  2022
Learning science : Samosorn, Angela B   
      Examining the Integration of New Media Instructional Technologies in Nursing Education 網際網路  2019
Learning sciences  
      Alternative Science : An Examination of Practice-Linked Identity Formation within the Context of an A 網際網路  2020
      Interaction Geography & The Learning Sciences 網際網路  2018
      Learning in and through Noise: Exploring the Learning Ecologies of Experimental Music 網際網路  2020
      Student-Generated Questions in Inquiry Science: Connecting to Collaborative Argumentation 網際網路  2018
2 其他項目  
Learning self-efficacy : 范揚鑫,   
      臺灣高中生遠距科學學習動機模式 : 兼探科學學習投入與科學學習參與 = Identifying Taiwanese high school s 總館  2023
Learning sequence  
      學習順序與鷹架策略對高低先備知識國中生以擴增實境輔助電流磁效應學習成效、動機及態度之影響 = Effects of 總館  2021
      數位虛擬實境學習環境及學習順序對國中生英語情境學習成效、態度及動機之影響 = Effects of digital virtual 總館  2023
      ARCS融入擴增實境英語學習中學習順序與提示策略對國中生字彙學習成效、動機及態度之影響 = Effects of learn 總館  2024
Gordon, Edwin, 1927- : Walters, Darrel Lee   
      Readings in music learning theory / edited by Darrel L. Walters and Cynthia Crump Taggart ; with a fo 總館  1989
Learning situation : 何信苡,   
      國小四、五年級學生音樂性向與英文聽辨能力之探究 = An investigation of music aptitude and English speec 總館  2024
Learning skill : 陳, 樂瀅,   
      MYP課堂中的文化與語文結合 : <<雷雨>>結合皮影戲演出的實踐 = The combination of culture and language li 總館  2021
Learning skills and strategies : Gullickson, Kris   
      Assessing Self-Regulated Learning of College Learners with and without Online Learning Experience 網際網路  2020

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