Learning options : Waldron, Brandy   
      Instructors' Perceptions of Differentiated Instruction at Four Universities in the United States 網際網路  2020
Learning organization  
      An Examination of the Relationship between Professors' Leadership Styles and Undergraduate Students' 網際網路  2020
      Human Resource Managers' Lived Experiences of Integrating Knowledge Management and Human Capital Mana 網際網路  2021
      Identifying factors associated with local use of large -scale evaluations : A case study 網際網路  2008
      Implementing Lean Six Sigma Principles in the Automotive Collision Repair Industry : A Three Case Stu 網際網路  2020
Learning organizations : Adeleke, Titus   
      Blockchain and Learning Organizations : How the Emerging Technology Impacts Knowledge Sharing 網際網路  2019
Learning oriented assessment : Baldwin, Tobi Fox   
      Formative Assessment and Academic Performance as Predictors of National Physical Therapy Examination 網際網路  2021
Learning-oriented leadership : Kanarek, Derek   
      The Practice of Learning-Oriented Teacher Leadership : A Qualitative 360-Degree Interview Study of Te 網際網路  2020
Learning outcome  
      世界名畫融入英語教學之課程設計探討 = A study of curriculum design of masterpiece paintings applicate 總館  2021
      線上虛擬環境社會臨場感對視訊疲勞及學習成效影響之研究 = The influences of social presence in virtual e 總館  2023
      置入運算思維於學習鷹架中對高中程式寫作課程中之自我效能與學習成效之影響 = The influences of inserting 總館  2022
      課堂筆記教學對於學習動機與學習成效之相關研究 : 以科大室內裝修乙級證照課程為例 = The impact of note-ta 總館  2023
Learning outcome\effectiveness : 羅元伶,   
      成人持續參與線上遠距課程之學習歷程研究 = Exploring the learning process of continuing e-learning for 總館  2022
Learning outcomes  
      來臺大學陸生校園經驗與學習成果關聯之研究 = A study on the relationship between campus experience and 總館  2021
      虛擬情境化線上同步學習對參與者擬社會人際互動與學習結果之影響 = The effects of virtualizing an online 總館  2024
      視覺障礙學生遊戲化學習之成效探究 : 以等值分數單元為例 = The research of exploring the effectiveness o 總館  2024
      量子資訊桌遊對學生學習成效影響 = The effects of quantum information board games on student's learning 公館分館  2024
6 其他項目  
Learning participation : 范揚鑫,   
      臺灣高中生遠距科學學習動機模式 : 兼探科學學習投入與科學學習參與 = Identifying Taiwanese high school s 總館  2023
Learning Partner Program : 洪蓓珊,   
      <<全方位中文>>於「敘利亞難民華語文伴學計畫」之實踐與評估 : 以土耳其滿納海國際學校爲例 = Evaluation of 總館  2024
Learning path : 陳峻逸,   
      基於知識追蹤與強化式學習之適性化學習路徑推薦系統 = Adaptive learning path recommendation system based 總館  2024
Learning performance  
      以密室逃脫遊戲探究學習表演藝術知識之後設認知技巧、遊戲自我效能、體驗價值與學習表現之相關研究 = Using 總館  2023
      技術型高中設計群專業科目多媒體輔助教材設計之研究 : 以「設計概論-近代設計的發展簡史」為例 = A study o 總館  2021
      探究國中八年級學生之成就動機、玩遊戲自我效能與遊戲焦慮、遊戲興趣對學習價值與學習表現之相關研究 : 以Th 總館  2024
      數位遊戲與影片在手語詞彙學習之成效比較 : 學習表現、學習興趣、自我效能、認知負荷等之差異 = Comparing t 總館  2023
7 其他項目  

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