Learning ecosystems : Garcia Penalvo, Francisco Jose,   
      Open source solutions for knowledge management and technological ecosystems [electronic resource] / F 網際網路  2017
Learning effect  
      增能式混成教學對機械基礎實習課程學習成效之影響 : 以學習動機為調節變項 = The impact of enhancement ble 總館  2024
      新冠疫情期間線上教學對學生學習動機和學習成效的影響 : 以嘉義縣某國中數學課程為例 = The impact of onlin 公館分館  2023
      泰語遊戲之數位學習成效研究 = A study of digital game learning effect on Thai / 王政惟撰 總館  2022
      素養教育運用問題導向學習對學習成效的影響 : 以圖文傳播研究法課程為例 = The impact of literacy educatio 總館  2024
2 其他項目  
Learning -- Effect of technological innovations on : McCabe, Ellen,   
      Living the stories we create : preparing students for the digital age / by Ellen McCabe 網際網路  2018
Learning effectiveness  
      五專學生參與線上課程學習成效相關因素研究 = Study on the factors related to the learning effectiveness 總館  2024
      以VR爵士鼓遊戲探究中學生之節奏感增長信念與遊戲焦慮、心流經驗對學習價值及學習成效之相關研究 = Using VR 總館  2021
      因材網輔助自主學習課堂模式對國小學生自主學習能力及自然科學習成效之影響 : 以電腦自我效能為調節變項 = T 總館  2021
      學習動機與學習成效之相關研究 : 以技術型高中機械群「機械製造」課程遠距教學為例 = A study on learning m 總館  2022
19 其他項目  
Learning effects  
      心智圖思考法融入音樂欣賞教學之成效研究 = Effects of an integrated mind mapping on music appreciating 總館  2021
      Evaluation of Virtual and Hybrid Reality Systems for Astronaut Training 網際網路  2020
Learning efficacy : Torrie, Christian   
      Optimal Learning Experiences for Corporate Professionals: A Systematic Literature Review 網際網路  2024
Learning -- Encyclopedias  
      From the brain to the classroom : the encyclopedia of learning / Sheryl Feinstein, editor 林口分館密集書庫  2014
      From the brain to the classroom [electronic resource] : the encyclopedia of learning / Sheryl Feinste 網際網路  2014
      Learning and the brain : a comprehensive guide for educators, parents, and teachers / edited by Shery 總館  2007
      The Praeger handbook of learning and the brain / edited by Sheryl Feinstein 總館  2006
Learning engagement  
      以學習投入為中介變項探討學生專業英文學習之未來時間觀與持續學習意願研究 = A study on students' future 總館  2024
      北區國中身心障礙資源班學生學習投入與幸福感之研究 = A study of learning engagement and well-being for 總館  2022
      同步視訊應用於大班教學對學生學習投入相關影響因素之研究 = A research on the related factors about lear 總館  2021
      四學教學策略對於國中生學習動機與學習投入之影響研究 : 以九年級資訊科技課為例 = Impact of the Four teac 總館  2024
11 其他項目  
Learning Engagement of cram School : 朱, 冠裎,   
      技術型高中學生媽寶行為覺知、成就動機對補習學習投入及學習價值之相關研究 = Helicopter parenting and ach 總館  2021
Learning -- England : Mortimore, Peter   
      Understanding pedagogy and its impact on learning / edited by Peter Mortimore 總館, 公館分館, 公領系   1999
Learning English in China : Kim, Juhee   
      "What Makes You Study a Foreign Language?" College Students' Motivational Reasons for Learning Englis 網際網路  2020
Learning environment  
      Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Designed Schools in New Jersey, Assessment of th 網際網路  2020
      Optimizing University Campuses for Learning, Wellbeing and Equity: an Applied Study of Higher Educati 網際網路  2021
      Students' Perceptions of Their Physical Learning Environments 網際網路  2020

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