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關鍵字 (37-48 之 110)
Other relevant titles條目 1-110
37 Imagining democracy: Popular sovereignty from the Constitution to the Civil War [electronic resourc Cogan, Jacob Katz Electronic Resources
38 The separation of powers and the Supreme Court: A new institutional analysis of inter-branch dispute Mohammad-Zadeh, Katayoun Electronic Resources
39 French origins of American constitutionalism [electronic resource] Baughn, Thomas M Electronic Resources
40 One nation among many: Foreign models in the constitutional thought of Liang Qichao [electronic reso Kaufman, Alison Adcock Electronic Resources
41 Embracing dissent: Presidential leadership and the development of legitimate party opposition in th Selinger, Jeffrey S Electronic Resources
42 Article V: The federal amending process and American constitutionalism [electronic resource] Guerra, Darren P Electronic Resources
43 The primacy of rights and the procedures of federalism: The development of habeas corpus and federa Federman, Cary Howard Electronic Resources
44 Independence unfurled: "Common Sense" and the constitution of the American public [electronic resour Ponder, Benjamin Electronic Resources
45 The specter of disunion in the early American republic, 1783--1815 [electronic resource] Wewers, Daniel Corbett Electronic Resources
46 The people's courts: The rise of judicial elections in America [electronic resource] Shugerman, Jed Handelsman Electronic Resources
47 'A mere party machine'? Judicial authority, party development, and the changing politics of attackin Engel, Stephen M Electronic Resources
48 From tariffs to the income tax: Trade protection and revenue in the United States tax system [elect Magness, Phillip W Electronic Resources
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