United Provinces of the Netherlands.    
      A league of union betwixt His Majesty and the Estates General of the United Provinces of the Low-Cou 網際網路  1668
United Provinces of the Netherlands.  
      Treatie of marine, between the Illustrious and Most Mightie King Charles the Second ... and the High 網際網路  1675
      A treaty marine between the Most Serene and Mighty Prince Charles II ... and the High and Mighty Lor 網際網路  1674
      Extracts of articles from the treaty-marine with Holland, concluded at London the first day of Decem 網際網路  1757
United Provinces of the Netherlands.  
      Articuli pacis & amicitiae, inter serenissimum & potentissimum principem Carolum II, dei gratiâ Mag 網際網路  1674
      Articles of peace between the Most Serene and Mighty Prince Charles II ... and the High and Mighty L 網際網路  1674
      Articles of peace between the Most Serene and Mighty Prince Charles II ... and the States General of 網際網路  1673
United Provinces of the Netherlands.    
      The articles of alliance, between England & Spain, signed the 10th day of June, 1680 Also articles o 網際網路  1680
United Provinces of the Netherlands.  
      Tractaat tusschen de Alder-Christelijksten Koning, en de Koning van Groot-Brittannien, mitsgaders de 網際網路  1700
      The treaty betwixt the most Christian King, the King of Great Britain, and the States General of the 網際網路  1700
United Provinces of the Netherlands.    
      The treaty betwixt the Most Christian King, the King of Great Britain, and the States General of the 網際網路  1700
United Provinces of the Netherlands.    
      Contract van de Grote Alliantie, gemaakt tusschen de hooge geallieerde als Zyn Keyserlyke Majesteyt, 網際網路  1701
United Provinces of the Netherlands.    
      The treaties of peace and commerce between Lewis XIV.... and the States General of the United Provin 網際網路  1714
United Provinces of the Netherlands.    
      The definitive treaty of peace and friendship, between His Britannick Majesty, the most Christian Ki 網際網路  1749
United Provinces of the Netherlands.  
      By the United States in Congress assembled: A proclamation. Whereas in pursuance of a plenipotentiar 網際網路  1783
      By the United States in Congress assembled. A proclamation. Whereas in pursuance of a plenipotentiar 網際網路  1782
      The Constitutions of the several independent states of America; the Declaration of Independence; the 網際網路  1785
United Provinces of the Netherlands.  
      Preliminary articles of peace between His Britannick Majesty, and the States General of the United P 網際網路  1783
      Articles preliminaires de paix entre Sa Majesté Britannique et les Etats G̋en̋eraux des Provinces 網際網路  1783
United Provinces of the Netherlands.    
      Treaty of defensive alliance between His Majesty the King of Great Britain, and their High Mightines 網際網路  1788

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