United Provinces of the Netherlands.    
      Treaty between His Britannick Majesty, the King of Prussia, and the States General of the United Pro 網際網路  1794
United Provinces of the Netherlands. Sovereign (1747-1751 : William IV)  
      Proposals made by His late Highness the Prince of Orange to ... the States-General, and to the State 網際網路  1751
      Proposals made by His late Highness the Prince of Orange, to their High Mightinesses the States-Gene 網際網路  1751
United Provinces of the Netherlands. Sovereign (1751-1795 : William V)    
      Propositie van syne hoogheid den Heere Prince Erf-Stadhouder, ter vergadering van hun ed: Groot mog: 網際網路  1779?
United Provinces of the Netherlands. Staten Generaal  
      An abstract of the charter and large privileges, granted by the States-General of the united Netherl 網際網路  1713
      An account of the passages in the Assembly of the States of Holland and West-Friezeland concerning t 網際網路  1690
      An admonition published by the Generall States of the Netherlandish Vnited Prouinces, vnto the state 網際網路  1602
      The Aduise and answer of my lord ye Prince of Orenge, cou[n]tie Nassau &c. and of ye states of Holla 網際網路  1577
182 其他項目  
United Provinces of the Netherlands. Staten General    
      A memorial delivered to His Majesty (July 21/31 1664.) From the Lord Van-Gohg, Ambassador from the S 網際網路  1664
United Provinces,    
      The beginning, progresse, and increase of the sect of the remonstrants and Arminian faction, in the 網際網路  1646
United Society for Christian Literature    
      The African primary school, matter and method in the three Rs, 總館  c1943
United Society for the Improvement of Mineral Works  
      The case of the United Society, for the improvement of mineral works, creditors of the Governour and 網際網路  1711
      The case of the United Society for the Improvement of Mineral Works, creditors of the Governour and 網際網路  1711
United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel    
      William the Third, by the grace of God ... To all Christian people, ... greeting: I. Whereas we are 網際網路  1701
United Society (New Haven, Conn.)    
      Report of a committee respecting White-Haven Meeting-house 網際網路  1813?
United Society of House-Carpenters and Joiners of the Towns of Lansingburgh and Troy    
      Lansingburgh, 19th June, 1790. Rules and regulations, formed by the United Society of House-Carpente 網際網路  1790
United Society of Plymouth County and Vicinities (Mass.)  
      Origination and constitution of the United Society of Plymouth County and Vicinities, Mass. auxiliar 網際網路  1815
      Origination and constitution of the United Society of Plymouth County and Vicinities, Mass. auxiliar 網際網路  1815

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