Calderonello, Alice Heim    
      Roughdrafts : the process of writing 總館  c1986
Calderoni, Francesco,  
      Dual markets : comparative approaches to regulation 網際網路  2017
      Organized crime, corruption and crime prevention : essays in honor of Ernesto U. Savona 網際網路  2014
      Understanding recruitment to organized crime and terrorism 網際網路  2020
      麥田書香 Have you ever been to the moon = Sei mai stata sulla luna? 林口分館, 公館分館   2014
Calders, Toon,  
      Artificial intelligence and machine learning : 34th Joint Benelux Conference, BNAIC/Benelearn 2022, 網際網路  2023
      Machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases : European Conference, ECML PKDD 2014, Nancy, 網際網路  2014
      Machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases : European Conference, ECML PKDD 2014, Nancy, 網際網路  2014
      Machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases : European Conference, ECML PKDD 2014, Nancy, 網際網路  2014
Calderwood, David,  
      The course of conformitie as it hath proceeded, is concluded, should be refused 網際網路  1622
      A dialogue betwixt Cosmophilus and Theophilus anent the urging of new ceremonies upon the kirke of S 網際網路  1620
      A true narration of all the passages of the proceedings in the generall Assembly of the Church of Sc 網際網路  1621
      A reply to Dr. Mortons generall Defence of three nocent [sic] ceremonies viz. the surplice, crosse i 網際網路  1622
      A reply to Dr. Mortons particular defence of three nocent ceremonies Viz. The surplice, crosse in ba 網際網路  1623
Calderwood, David,  
      Altare Damascenum ceu politia Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ obtrusa Ecclesiæ Scoticanæ a formalista quodam 網際網路  1623
      The altar of Damascus or the patern of the English hierarchie, and Church policie obtruded upon the 網際網路  1621
      An ansvvere to M. I. Forbes of Corse, his peaceable warning 網際網路  1638
      The course of conformitie as it hath proceeded, is concluded, should be refused 網際網路  1622
20 其他項目  
Calderwood, Eloise M    
      Effect(s) of traditional versus learning-style instructional strategies on the achievement and attit 網際網路   
Calderwood, Henry    
      On teaching : its ends and means 總館  1975
Calderwood, Henry,    
      David Hume 總館  1978
Calderwood, James D.  
      Building a new country: the American experience, 總館  1966
      Economics in the curriculum 公館分館  1970
      Patterns of economic growth: the American experience, 總館  1962
Calderwood, James L  
      The properties of Othello 網際網路  c1989
      Shakespeare & the denial of death 網際網路  1987
      To be and not to be negation and metadrama in Hamlet 網際網路  1983
Calderwood Mays, Maron B.,    
      Atlas for the diagnosis of tumors in the dog and cat 網際網路  2016

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